
Sean, Neil, Dickson, John, Steve |

Gary |

Robert |

Paul |
In The Studio
TO BUY CD.....
Send cheque or money order for $12 CDN or $10 US (includes
s&h) payable to Neil Cotton
Upickedcotton Music
39 McIntrye Cres.
Georgetown, ON
L7G 1N5
**be sure to include return address
The songs for Neil's first CD are all self-penned. (with one cover)
They were recorded during 2002-2003 with various musicians, listed here in alphabetical order:
Neil Cotton, Sean Cotton, John Cox, Gary Creary, Steve Klodt, Paul Gardiner, Robert Porter, Dickson
The CD is titled NEIL COTTON and FRIENDS
New Material 2008...with some cowrites
Use Paypal at

Ronnie and Neil |
Sample of Mayor of Old Yonge St.

- Geriatric Gypsy This is going places!
I like everything about
this song! It's fun, clever, and well produced. Of course, I'm partial to songs that make me smile, tap my foot, and sing
along...in the first few seconds. LOL And this song doesn't let go until the very end.
Your melody and instrumentation
was well done. The bouncy melody and clever lyrics blend perfectly. It's very entertaining and fun.
Extra Credit: Guitars, Production, Lyrics, Melody, Mood
- Feel The Train ...................................I'm feeling it.
the fade in, sets the tone. You got a real Highwaymen/Cash thing going on here. Good stuff. There's really nothing to complain
about here. Sounds like Luther came back from the dead to play for you on this one. Way to go!
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Drums, Bass, Lyrics, Beat
- Drink Cannot Heal
- Mayor of Old Yonge Street
- Migratory Snowbirds
- King of the Swamp
A very solid song. The guitar work is nice
and i like the "groove " to the overall track. The lyrics seem to say that your'e not taking yourself too serious & having
fun with this tune and it works real well. You may think about implementing a short "break" into the song just to change it
up a tad, but not too long because the melody is the strength of this one. Vocally, my first impression was "man, they could
really use a more polished singer" but as i listened you really grew on me. You have a nice bottom end to your voice, similar
to alot of singers of eras gone by (Johnny Cash,Conway Twitty, etc.). Real nice work!
- Give Half the Song To Me This song has the sound I
like..if your gonna play country, play country not some commercial fabrication of it..this song is the real deal...bittersweet
ironic lyrics...in the tradition of all the great country songwriters..the vocal delivery is humble and sincere...the drums
mosey along and the guitar provides the dirty country road...I really like this song..great sound...great concept..singin
about the country life..you are a real cowboy singer..keep both halves...good show Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Lyrics, Mood
Big T Scope New Brunswick, New Jersey
- My Best Friend